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Signing a Contract

Digital Signing

A digital signature is a method for verifying the authenticity of signed digital documentation whilst ensuring the contents have not been altered. Advances in technology have made digital signatures common use in most countries, making it the most comfortable and effective way to sign online agreements and transactions. OIA works with the leading providers to ensure our clients have a reliable, fast, and secure method to receive and send signed documentation.

Faster Time to Signature

Enhanced Security

Paperless Workflow

Automate & Standardise Critical Processes

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AdobeSign is a cloud-based e-signature service that allows users to send, sign track and manage signature processes using a browser or mobile device. Helping clients close deals faster, freeing staff from time-consuming admin tasks to accessing legal digital documents such as NDAs and liability forms, Adobe Sign lets staff gather electronic and digital signatures from any device anywhere with no paper or pen necessary. 

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​DocuSign eSignatures is the fast and secure way to send, track and sign agreements anytime, anywhere on a wide variety of devices. As part of the DocuSign Agreement Cloud, eSignature connects with other DocuSign applications that accelerate staff agreement processes before and after the signature. 

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With a simple single right-click, users can initiate the DocuSign signing experience within their iManage Work environment and signed documents with the signing certificate and history document coming back to iManage Work automatically.

Blue Car Technologies’ DocuSign DTM Connector for iManage Work provides a truly seamless integration between DocuSign and iManage Work, whilst improving governance and traceability of the entire DocuSign signing experience.  

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​The Adobe Sign integration for iManage from Zylpha allows a user to send a single document or multiple documents for signature using the Adobe Sign system directly from within the iManage document management system.

As well as sending documents out for signature, updates are provided back to the user in real-time and signed documents are saved directly back into iManage.

Getting started with the Adobe Sign for iManage integration is straightforward too, meaning that new users can be up-and-running in a timely and efficient manner. The simple interface is easy for users to understand, and is as simple as ‘right-click, send for signature’.

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