iManage Work release 10.3.2
On December 1st, iManage released the following builds for on-premise customers - iManage Work Web app 10.3.2, iManage Work Server 10.3.2, iManage Work Ctr 10.3.2, iManage Share Agent 10.3, Preview Server 10.3
New End-User features:
> Enhanced Tree View is the standard interface
> Fully interactive Tree allows drag-n-drop
> Filters available in the right-hand panel
> Advanced search available from Work Panel in Outlook (docked & undocked)
New Administrative features:
> New interface for ad hoc creation of workspaces
> Streamlined creation of folder based on a workspace template
> Streamlined creation of ad hoc folders
> New more intuitive Trash interface
For more information on the 10.3.2 product watch the video below
Once an environment is upgraded to the 10.3.2 release, the Tree View will be the only interface for users within the web - there is NO option to switch back to the previous view. Many customers are already using the Tree View as it has been available as an alternative view under 'Coming Soon' for some time now. However, for other customers, this may be a substantial variation that may require internal communication and user education/training priopr to its introduction. If you would like more information or would like to start planning your upgrade please contact us.
iCSE Training Brisbane
OIA is running iCSE training in Brisbane from 11th - 15th January 2021. This course gives you hands-on experience installing and configuring each major component of Work 10 and is suitable for IT staff members without prior iManage experience, IT personnel preparing for iManage Work installation, and Project managers responsible for iManage Work rollouts.
If you are interested in attending this course please email Jenni at for further information.
iManage Help Center - ConnectLive Videos
iManage's annual conference, ConnectLive, was held as a virtual event in 2020. Recordings of the session can be found here.
iManage Help Center - New Community Experience
iManage have improved the Help Center "experience" by the introduction of a number of new features, such as the ability to personalise your community profile by adding a photo and bio, and badges displaying your iManage Certifications! For more information on the initiative, see here.
iManage Cloud - New iManage Cloud Trust Center
The iManage Cloud Trust Center will provide improved visibility into the status of the services in your iManage Cloud production account via:
> Service Status Dashboard > Real-time monitoring of key services and functionality
> Message Boards
> Personalised Views
> Uptime statistics
All customers who have an iManage Cloud subscription will have access to the Trust Center, with the rollout to the Australia Data Centre completed December 8th 2020. For further information see the Service Update or the Service Advisory.
iManage Cloud - Migration to Cloudfare for enhanced performance
To enhance the performance for an ever-increasing remote workforce, iManage Cloud Operations has partnered with Cloudflare to increase network delivery performance and help decrease any high-latency impact for long-distance service delivery. iManage Cloud Services will soon begin migration of network services to the Cloudflare Spectrum service with further enhancements using Cloudflare Argo Smart Routing. This enhancement will be made at no additional charge to the iManage Cloud customers. The migration for Australian Cloud customers is as follows:
> Sandbox Account Migration - December 1-2, 2020
> Production Account Migration - December 16-12, 2020
If your organisation has defined whitelists for the iManage services via DNS name (rather than public IP address), no action will be necessary. Cloud customers who have added the iManage public IP ranges to on-premises security and proxy devices will need to take action to prepare for the migration to the Cloudflare services. See here for details.
Recent iManage Releases
> Available in the App Store - iManage Work Mobility for MobileIron 10.18.3, iManage Work Mobility 10.18.3 for Intune, iManage Work Mobility for Blackberry Dynamics 10.18.3
Upcoming iManage Releases
iManage Cloud Quarterly Service Updates & Maintenance
> iManage Threat Manager in the Cloud Q4 2020 - Sandbox Preview begins Dec 16th, 2020
> Migration to Cloudflare (see above)
> iManage Cloud Trust Center (see above)
> Scheduled maintenance - December 19 - 20 and January 23-24, 2021
> iManage Work in the Cloud Q4 2020 - Completed in Australian Data Center Nov 20th
To follow the Cloud Service Updates page see here.
New iManage Technotes and Known Issues articles in the Help Center
For all articles, please refer to the iManage Knowledge Base.
iManage Tips & Tricks
Managing the user profile folder when using iManage Work Desktop for Windows
Customers may find that there is a management overhead for the user profile (%userprofile%) when using the iManage Work Desktop for Windows (WDW) application. This folder is used for the following purposes, which may cause the folder to increase in size over time:
> When you open a file, a copy of the file is downloaded to the %AppData%\iManage\Work\Recent folder
> Log files are written to %LocalAppData%\iManage\Work\Logs
> Chromium binaries, used for the Work Panel and file picker dialogs, are extracted to %AppData%\iManage\Work\Chromium
Remediation Options:
> A purge feature allows for automatic removal of file copies from the Recent folder that are older than a configurable number of days. This is determined by the iwPurgeRecentAgeThreshold setting in the imWorkOptions config file (default value = 30 days). - Click here.
> WDW log files older than 30 days are automatically deleted. With WDW and above, you can change the number of days to retain the logs by editing the value for the maxSizeRollBackups property in the LogConfig.xml file. - Click here.
> Debug logging mode, which may be beneficial from a troubleshooting perspective, will increase the size of each individual log file. The logging mode (INFO vs DEBUG) is determined by the level value property in LogConfig.xml file - Click here.
> With WDW and above, the Chromium binaries can be extracted to a different location, outside the user profile - Click here.
> The Recent Folder path can be redirected to a location outside the user’s roaming profile, by configuring the imRecentPath registry key - Click here.
The team at OIA wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please note that we are open over the Christmas period for all your support requirements (excluding public holidays).