Security Advisories & Support Announcements
A number of security advisories affecting iManage customers with some or all of their iManage services installed on-premises have recently been published.
OIA recommends ALL iManage customers (on-prem and cloud) follow the Support Announcements section of the Help Centre to be automatically alerted to new and updated posts which may affect their particular environment.
End of Life (EOL) notice for older iManage products
As published in our previous edition, iManage have announced the End of Support and End of Life dates for the Classic Clients (including FileSite/DeskSite), IDOL Indexer, and iManage FileShare.
Please check our post for more information and links to the iManage Advisory pages.
iManage Work for Google Workspace is now available
iManage Work for Google Workspace enables Google Workspace (formerly known as G-Suite) users to save their files to iManage Work. This ensures that all content in the organisation resides in a single, secured repository and is searchable and shareable from a single place. The Google Workspace add-on is available in Google Marketplace and with a simple setup, it enables integration with Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. Users can download the add-on and start accessing the integration from the Add-ons option on the toolbar in the Google Docs Editor where they are authoring, and once content is filed to iManage, others users in the organisation who want to collaborate can access it.
Features of iManage Work for Google Workspace include:
> No need for a separate application or to move out of the Google Docs Editor - the add-on unobtrusively opens in a panel within the Google Docs Editor. Content can be saved to iManage Work as a PDF or Microsoft document and when users open the document from iManage Work, they are redirected to Google docs so that they can edit the document right where it originated.
> Content created in Google Workspace is visible across the organization - users in the organisation can search for all content in iManage Work
> A flexible solution that meets the needs of users who prefer to use Google Workspace (e.g. on their mobile devices when they travel) and content can be shared with the rest of the organisation, even if they are not on Google Workspace
> A complete audit trail is maintained, and content is secured and governed per the security settings configured in iManage Work
For more information see here.
Recent iManage Releases
Upcoming iManage Releases
iManage Cloud Quarterly Service Updates and Maintenance For all recent and upcoming Service Updates in the iManage Cloud see here.
New iManage Technotes and Known Issues articles in the Help Center
For all articles, please refer to the iManage Knowledge Base.
iManage Tips & Tricks
Upgrading/installing iManage Work Desktop for Windows 10.5.0 or higher
Customers should be aware of the following prerequisites when using Work Desktop for Windows 10.5.0 or higher:
> Microsoft Edge WebView2 browser control
> Microsoft Framework version .NET 4.6.2
The iManage installer checks to see whether Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime and .NET 4.6.2 are installed and if not present, an error message will be presented and the installer closes. Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime can be downloaded and installed using the following link. Customers can choose to utilise Group Policy settings to prevent WebView2 from auto-updating to the latest version, giving administrators the opportunity to test new versions before deployment to a wider audience, by doing the following:
> Open Group Policy Management Editor.
> Navigate to Computer Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Microsoft Edge Update | Applications | Microsoft Edge WebView.
> Set "Allow installation" to Disabled.
> Navigate to Computer Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates | Microsoft Edge Update | Applications | Microsoft Edge.
> Set "Target version override" to Enabled.
The team at OIA wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please note that we are open over the Christmas period for all of your support requirements (excluding public holidays).